Sunday, October 28, 2012


You may be wondering why this blog is titled Fish Out of Water (at least I hope you are).  The first thing that I can tell you is that as soon as I started to think about what to call it, Fish Out of Water popped into my head.  Funny how the Holy Spirit works isn't it?  So then I had to think, what in the heck is God trying to tell me!  Well, the fish symbol was used by early Christians.  And you may find this blog to be NOT like the Church as we have known it.  Thus, Fish Out of Water is all about doing Church Differently.  Secondly, I was reminded about Peter walking on the water (or at least trying to - see Matthew 14:22-36).  Peter was truly a "Fish" (Christian) "Out of Water" (Living the Faith to the Fullest).  And there you have it.  This blog - Fish Out of Water - is all about living our lives to the maximum Glory of God.  But getting back to Peter ... he seems to get a bum wrap for taking in all that was happening around him and for that split second, lost sight of Jesus and began to sink.  Sounds a lot like us doesn't it!  We let all the world get in the way of our relationship with Jesus and what happens?  We start to sink.  However, unlike Peter - who had the boldness and courage to step out of the boat, we are holding tight to the mast, never to let go, like our life depends on it.  And that my friends may be a topic for another post sometime.  But let me leave you with this thought - "If you don’t go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don’t deserve me. If your first concern is to look after yourself, you’ll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you’ll find both yourself and me."  Jesus to the Disciples, Matthew 10:38-39 The Message


  1. Nice Dave. I look forward to future posts!

  2. Good thoughts, David. Looking forward to more of your thoughts.

  3. Peter is one some of us can readily ID with as he says what he thinks. I only pray we can also ID with him after he was filled with the Holy Spirit and was a changed man.
    ken (also known as kenny joe)

  4. "If you don’t go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don’t deserve me." Jesus to the Disciples, Matthew 10:38 The Message

    I think that all believers have moments of "all the way" with Jesus. And I also have lots of "less than" moments as well. My joy, faith and commitment come from the knowledge that the Holy Spirit loves me regardless, and empowers me to be part of missio dei in spite of that.

  5. Conversation is good... inspiring... helpful... thanks. Living faith out loud is good... inspiring... helpful... thanks.
