Friday, November 2, 2012

Flood Buckets

Here is a very important way we can all help those affected by Sandy.  Flood Buckets and or supplies for Flood Buckets can be dropped off at Palmyra First United Methodist or taken directly to Mission Central in Mechanicsburg.

Cleaning Bucket
Value: $ 55.00
5 gallon bucket with resalable lid
Buckets from fast food restaurants or bakeries can be used if washed and cleaned.
Do not use buckets that have stored chemicals such as paint or pool cleaner.
Advertisements on the outside are acceptable.
liquid laundry detergent
two 25 oz. or one 50 oz. bottles only
liquid household cleaner
16 oz. liquid cleaner that can be mixed with water
no spray cleaners
dish soap
28 oz bottle any brand
1 can air freshener
aerosol or pump
1 insect repellant spray
14 oz. aerosol or spray pump with protective cover
1 scrub brush
no toilet-bowl brushes
plastic or wooden handle
no kitchen or dish brushes
18 cleaning wipes
handi wipes or reusable wipes
no terry cleaning towels
remove from packaging
7 sponges
remove from wrapper
no cellulose sponges due to mold issue
5 scouring pads
remove from wrapper
no Brillo, SOS pads or any kind that will rust
50 clothespins
remove from packaging
clothes line
two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.
cotton or plastic.
24 roll he
avy duty trash bags
emove from the box
30-45 gallon size
5 dust masks
2 pair disposable waterproof gloves
rubber or latex
remove from packaging
1 pair work gloves
cotton or leather
leather palms necessary

Assembling Directions

Place all liquid items in the bucket first. Place remaining items in the bucket fitting them around and between the liquid items. Sponges, scouring pads, clothespins and trash bags can be separated in order to fit all of the items in the bucket.
Ensure the lid is closed securely.
Important Notes
All items must be new except for the actual bucket and lid.
All cleaning agents must be liquid and in plastic containers. No powders please.
If you cannot find the requested size of a liquid item, use a smaller size. Including larger sizes of any item will prevent the lid from sealing.
If all of the items on the list are not included, please put a label on the bucket indicating what has been omitted.
Cleaning buckets are only used within the United States. They are not opened to verify the contents unless there is indication some items have been omitted.

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